
May all our delights last long!

 My gifted roses again; new pic (with shortened stems to make them last as long as possible).


On this cold, wet day (where I am) let me wish you warmth.

 And if it's too hot where you are, warmth would still be an improvement, right?

Photo © Dinka Bednjacic 2021.


Happy Equinox, dear people!


In the Southern Hemisphere it's Autumn and Mabon – time to reflect on what I'm harvesting from the Summer months, and what will be germinating underground during introspective Winter, to burst forth into new life next Spring.


May we find within us the light we need.

Photo: © Katrin Strohl 2023.
A rose growing in the grounds of what was Pentridge Prison.


May you have cause for rejoicing!

 (I already do, with dear Firstborn and his lovely partner coming for a few days' visit.)